
Kamis, 15 September 2011

Using Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC) in Language Teaching

The existence of technology has become a challenge for teacher because technology offers opportunities for teaching and learning. Usually, teaching and learning is conducted in a classroom where teacher become the facilitator and the student become the center of learning. Now, technology provides everything to what the student's need. Students are able to learn by themselves without supervision from teacher. Here, there are several misconceptions regarding to technology: Technology is monolithic, technology constitutes a method, today’s technology is all that one needs to know, and technology will replace teachers.

Then, to dispel these myths, there are several technology tools that can be used in the communicative classroom and offer learner-centered activities, such as Web 2.0. Web 2.0 is a communicative classroom that allows for easy integration into communicative activities. It refers to sites where users group co-create the site without having to utilize HTML code. Web 2.0 such as facebook, offer many opportunities for user to interact with the tools of the site and with each other. So, there is active interaction and engagement with and among the members and the content of the site. Then, many of the web 2.0 tools fall within the category of computer-mediated communication (CMC) software.

In narrow sense, CMC refers to computer-mediated communication tools such as chats and discussion board. It is include a wider variety of online tools which include social networking sites, virtual realities, and gaming. Participant in CMC environments may be from one class, from different classes, or communicating with members of the target community, while in the same place or different place.

These are the benefits of CMC:
·   They provide opportunities for authentic input and access to interlocutors that are not usually available in the traditional learning environment.
·   They provide flexibility in the timing and location of these interactions.
·   They integrate technology into language teaching which can help all students achieve better computer literacy.
·   They help teaching become more efficient, supplementing their regular class material, providing a student-centered creative learning environment and enabling students to become computer literate.

Then, there some challenges when we try to implement the CMC.
·   Computer literacy. There are differences in the technology skill of the student. It makes the progress fo teaching CMC will move slowly. The low income will block the implementation of CMC.
·    Access and logistics. The access of internet, the connection, blocked sites, the lack of additional software and hardware make the implementation of CMC is impossible.
·   Privacy and security. There are some policies regarding to computing or intellectual property that prohibit the use of CMC tool in the classroom.

Here are the samples of activities in CMC:
1. Chat, instant message, texting
2. Discussion forum
3. Email usage
4. Blog
5. Wikis
6. Social networking sites
7. Virtual reality site

As conclusion, as teacher, we don’t need to be afraid of losing job when technology tries to change the culture of learning. However, it is our job to choose the best technology and tools in teaching and learning. Teacher will play important role in teaching and learning process because not all technology is informative literacy. We can help the student to be wise to choose the righteous site for their needs. As long as we open to learn and upgrade our knowledge to technology, the teacher will remain important.

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